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Photo by Iris Rijskamp
Graduation project

A Collective Breath

Vivien Vuong

"Amplifying the breath acts as a reminder of our very existence."

WHAT A kinetic installation in which the simple act of breathing causes a soft textile texture to ripple and flow like the foamy surface of the sea. It is a playful invitation to wonder — together. HOW Only through taking part in the installation does the work transforms and is able to transfer meaning. The more people breathe out, the more dynamic the textile moves. Like a human-generated wind, a wave of energy, a collective breath. WHY Metaphors help us to see with new eyes. They impact our reality and stretch our understanding. Did you know in many ancient languages the ‘mind’, ‘wind’ and ‘breath’ are identical associations? ‘A Collective Breath’ materialises all three in a design metaphor, reacquainting us with a spiritual understanding, in which the concept of mind goes far beyond just brain activity.





Graduation year



Iris Rijskamp