Graduation project
Prince Polo III, Love of My Life
Sijmen Vellekoop
A car transformed into a multifunctional creation tool challenges assumptions about the relationship between human and machine.
When the love for cars meets the love of creation, a new road has to be paved. Sijmen Vellkoop introduces his car, Prince Polo III, to his design practise. Equipped with all sorts of adaptations, this car lends its power to the creative process, shaping the relationship between human and machine. Together, they develop new sculpting techniques and material languages, resulting in a multitude of forms, objects, and attitudes. “The process evolves out of the interaction between the material, Prince Polo III, and me,” Sijmen explains. The project redefines how man and machine collaborate in a technologically advancing world. With a bit of a human touch, Prince Polo III provokes innovation while bringing loads of fun.