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Photo by Ronald Smits
Graduation project


Sabine Silaraja

"It can be disassembled, repaired and recycled."

WHAT It is custom-made on a 3D-printer at home, from local plastic waste. The production is state of the art, the design old-school mechanical, its function quite symbolic: this smart adapter automatically unplugs any device after a pre-set time. WHY With this prototype Sabine Silaraja shows that there are attractive alternatives to mass-produced, non-sustainable electronic devices from across the globe. Why not take a look at what you can create and fix yourself, right in your own home? HOW ‘Unplug!’ brings back the cool of mechanical design: it does not use any electricity at all. Its spring-loaded timer can be set to save more electricity and shut off the intrusive bright displays in your home when the machines are done.





Graduation year



Ronald Smits