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Photo by Pierre Castignola
Graduation project

One Small Step for Bigfoot, One Giant Leap for Rationalists

Pauline Rip

How is the relevance of a field of knowledge established? Does something have to be true to be valuable and worth preserving? Pauline Rip is a hunter of knowledge that is ignored, mocked, marginalized, irrational and even false. In pursuit of adventure and romanticism, she tracks down practices that seek something more than the truth. Based on her findings and UNESCO Intangible Cultural Heritage criteria, she designed three fictional cultural practices — harvesting of morning dew, inspired by elficology and alchemy; the tanning of the skins of reptilian humanoids, as narrated in a widespread conspiracy theory; and the recording Bigfoot’s growl, as studied by cryptozoologists.


Contextual Design



Graduation year



Pierre Castignola