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Graduation project

Opinion Cooler

Pauline Perrin

"Embracing artificiality and giving space for ambiguity"

What: A series of self-portraits that reflect on the limits and the power of one’s perception of truth. Why: Fascinated by online rage, Pauline Perrin acknowledges that the internet produces loaded content to keep us engaged. In her opinion, we slide to extremes as a way to defend a positive self-image. Recognising the vulnerable humans behind the polished media we create is, she believes, the first step towards a more peaceful digital life. How: Her self-portraits propose a visual translation of this conclusion. Intentionally contradictory, the photographs feature uncanny body shapes in playful cocoons. Through variation of textures and compositions, these 'selfies' celebrate the ever-changing nature of the self. Edited to the extreme, the pictures curiously become more honest about their own unreal aspect. "Embracing artificiality and giving space for ambiguity"





Graduation year