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Photo by Nicole Marnati
Graduation project

Eclipsed Processes

Pauline Agustoni

The first issue of Eclipsed Processes marks the launch of a series of magazines dedicated to unveil alternative manufacturing processes. It addresses the context, history and exchanges resulting from the creation of a series of pieces based on the represented technique.

The project emphasizes the importance of giving a voice to surrogate ways of production in order to invent a future in which smaller and more sustainable production methods can be enhanced.

The Kalamkari Art issue introduces the technique of Kalamkari, a highly sustainable textile block printing and natural dyeing craft originated from Southern India. It is the result of a collaboration with Vijaya Bandar Kalamkari House, based in Pedana, Andhra Pradesh.

I graduated with Cum Laude from Design Academy Eindhoven in June 2019. The project Eclipsed Processes is registered at the Swiss National Library since August 2019. It will be presented at the Dutch Design Week in October 2019 as part of the program of The Arena of the Design Academy Eindhoven Graduation Show 2019.


Public Private



Graduation year

Cum laude


Nicole Marnati