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Photo by Femke Reijerman
Graduation project

The Condition of Air

Michela Segato

"Adding pressure reveals rubber’s surprisingly athletic properties."

WHAT ‘The Condition of Air’ is an ongoing research project into possible new functions for bicycle inner tubes. WHY Inspired by the Dutch bicycle culture, Michela Segato started to rethink a basic part of this popular vehicle: its inner tubes. Her fascination with the successful yet tense relationship between rubber and air led to a playful exploration of new shapes and uses. HOW By binding, restraining or cutting, she reinvented the tubes. They are shaped into knee pads and safety helmets, modelled into fashionable hats, used as a mould and transformed into an array of other inspirational items. The book that presents them invites us to consider the humble inner tube in a whole new way.





Graduation year



Femke Reijerman