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Photo by Nicole Marnati
Graduation project


Martha Nash

A physical cryptocurrency in the shape of ceramic pigs makes economic topics understandable to a broader audience.

Economic systems, both traditional and crypto, are not easy to understand for those who are not digitally or financially literate. As globalisation continues to create strain on our natural resources, health and well-being, is the solution to make economies local? And what happens if an economy’s value depends on the happiness of one person? Martha Nash steps into the role of an autocratic banker by introducing ‘MarthaMarthaMarthaCoin’: the world’s first physical cryptocurrency – in the shape of ceramic pigs, each with a unique glaze, referencing tokens in crypto. The happier Martha is, the more your pig is worth. By making economic topics tangible and more tongue and cheek, they become easier to grasp. A suitcase full of pigs encourages us to question what we value.



Graduation year



Melkweg Award Nominee




Nicole Marnati