LA KE BO is a film set in a futuristic utopia, where landscapes and spaces are forced to come to life as sea level rise due to global warming. In this apocalyptic scenario, the lands of New Caledonia slowly transform into creatures in order to survive. These creatures are inspired by the tales of New Caledonian culture, where each land has a ‘‘spirit’’, a ‘‘character’’ and a story.
I have translated five spaces from my native island into living creatures - the Red South, the Natural Pool, the Market, the Coral Reef and the Tjibaou cultural center - each, like totems, with a distinct silhouette in hommage to the landscapes they represent. The textiles, prints and shapes of each creature reference specific visual and cultural aspects of the original spaces.
LA KE BO is a question about identity, in Drehu, a Kanak (New Caledonian) dialect: ‘‘Who are you in relation to others? Which space are you from?’’. It emphasizes the importance of one’s origins, homeland and identity.
The LA KE BO project is my first local initiative working exclusively with New Caledonian talents. I directed, produced and casted the project in collaboration with film maker Cédric Jean-Baptiste, sound engineer Julien Le Pape, slammer Simanë Wenethem and local models.