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Graduation project

Pattern Understanding

Joan Vellvé Rafecas

This thesis focuses on patterns as the embodiment of a natural, dialogued development and as a framework for an organisation ideal. By defining the interaction between elements or parts in the design process, the focus is on the common ground instead of on individualities. The project research defines three concepts that can be applied in design practice: serendipity, hermeneutics and chaos. They are representative of design research as a creator of opportunity; they focus on transitions as keys for understanding the big picture, and highlight the design process as a non-linear development. All three framing values with the aim to create a narrative that redefines design practice and the production processes. Pattern understanding aims to bring transparency to a process, but also to its outcome. It adds clarity and adaptability to the material, the technical aspects, the production processes and the use, and makes them more adaptable.


Social Design



Graduation year