The Era of Khaki Ethics
In the Era of Khaki Ethics, ethics are blurred toward a new mental state, where people can feel comfortable with contradiction and multiplicity rather than adopting simple extremes.
Eva Jäger and Guillemette Legrand are design strategists that have collaborated on The Era of Khaki Ethics. Born from a thesis that explores how shifting binaries of ethics create possibilities for a new design context, The Era of Khaki Ethics establishes a theoretical and visual framework to anticipate, interpret, and create in a world defined by the Extreme Present. Jäger and Legrand carried out a series of activations to produce creative content for a ‘khaki’ era.
This year-long project has thus far resulted in lecture-performances, design briefings, site specific installations and a creative platform, This online platform expands the scope and logic of the project with additional cross-disciplinary collaborations with a number of creative professionals, in fields ranging from sound design to policy making. Jäger and Legrand invite design practitioners, theorists, organizers, and companies, to use the platform in a similar way.