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Photo by Carlfried Verwaayen
Graduation project

The Plantslator: Bio-Sonification

Eros Risiglione

An interactive experience translates electric signals from plants into sound with the intention of strengthening our relationship with the natural world.

‘The Plantslator’ translates electrical signals occurring within plants into sound. Eros Risiglione was inspired by the idea of communicating with a hill of special significance to him. Bio-sonification allows us to hear plants interacting with each other. Each plant has its unique patterns that produce distinct sounds, enabling us to experience the natural world in a different way. The technology behind ‘Plantslation’ has potential applications in agriculture and forestry and can reshape the way we manage natural resources. Eros hopes that we can gain a deeper understanding of how plants communicate with one another and respond to environmental changes. By listening, we can appreciate the beauty and complexity of the natural world more and strengthen our relationship with it.



Graduation year





Carlfried Verwaayen