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Photo by Ronald Smits
Graduation project

EPICLY supermassive gigonormous humongous fricking colossal capacious monstrous curvacious maHOOsive + whoppingly stupendous and almighty OMG WTF that thing is SOOOOOOOO BIG

Chai Dienn

"This project showcases three wearables which can be used as bags, which are informed by the shapes and visual language of guitars in combination with the proportions and scale of cosplay weaponry. The project proposes a vision of future designed accessories which succeed a definition of functionality that goes beyond efficiency, convenience and comfort, and focusses users being able to flaunt their identity to create an authentic public avatar: a way to behave and to move in public space which mimics the poise of a rockstar.

Each design in the series references the shapes and features of an electric guitar, commanding a different way of holding and carrying each bag. Each of these accessories is customisable and can adapted to a user's preferred persona. In a sense, this collection of bags becomes part of its users' identity. The project revolves around empowering individuality with a playful twist."





Graduation year



Melkweg Award Nominee




Ronald Smits