Graduation project
Our beloved and sacred sun
Adam Bialek
A monolith made from an egg yolk biomaterial honours the sun as a symbol of life and energy, seeking to restore our relationship with natural elements.
We replaced our natural environment with artificial, barren landscapes and severed our connections to the natural world. Adam Bialek aims to restore our relationships with the natural elements, starting with the most profound one - the Sun. The project draws on ancient sun worship and mythology of the 'cosmic egg', recognizing the sun as a symbol of life and energy. Through a process of petrifying and crystallizing egg-yolks, Adam Bialek developed a delicate biomaterial He carved it into a monolith with intricate solar motifs depicting the movements of the sun. When touched by sunlight, the monolith glows with warm amber light, honouring and reigniting the primal feelings evoked by our sun. When buried in the soil, the monolith biodegrades, fertilizing its final resting place.