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Photo by Ronald Smits
Graduation project


Sangeun Park

A VR meditation program offers parents-to-be an immersive experience where they can connect with their foetus.

Mental well-being support for pregnant women is often limited, which can negatively impact the experience of pregnancy, the bond with the foetus and even postpartum mental well-being. To address this issue, Sangeun Park introduces ‘Babitation’, a VR meditation program that invites parents into a virtual metaverse world connected to the foetus. Using real-time data from a speculative foetal scanner, this immersive experience transports parents into a meticulously crafted world that serves three functions. It supports the physical and mental well-being of the expectant parents, provides them with invaluable knowledge about pregnancy, and enables real-time communication with the foetus, facilitating early bonding with the unborn child. Throughout the pregnancy journey, the metaverse environment blossoms and evolves, becoming increasingly beautiful and magnificent, mirroring the growth and vibrancy of the baby.



Graduation year





Ronald Smits

