Graduation project
The Common Thread
Kasia Rachuba
The relationship between food, society, and identity was explored through an eating experience based on six different countries’ versions of the same dish.
How do we understand cuisine and its connection to identity? By bringing together six individuals with six variations of the same dish — Szałot, Salada Russa, Italienischer Salat, Macédoine, Francoska Solata, and Mišrainė — The Common Thread explores the interplay of food, society, and identity. The shared meal sparked conversations about cooking, eating, sharing, and the emotions they evoke. An embroidered tablecloth, an object traditionally passed down across generations, served as a foundation of this dining experience. It acts not only as a carrier of information but subsequently gains new layers of meaning. By challenging the notion of authenticity, the project highlights the fluidity of cuisine and underscores the importance of community and regional ties that transcend political borders.