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Photo by Nicole Marnati
Graduation project

The Spirit Rock: Enchanting The Anthropocene

Lucas Garvey

"With convictions of secularity desperately present within our current epoch, The Spirit Rock proposes enchantment, a way to engage with belief in a playful manner. Through a series of whimsicle immersive performances, casting spells and breaking curses, The Spirit Rock immerses participants in a mystical world, intending to open up the spiritually curious but detrimentally cynical to the notion of all objects l and beings being embued with divine energy, their value going far beyong the sum of their parts.

Using narration and humour to behold weighty topics such as hyper-objects from a more equanimous perspective, through the lens of The Spirit Rock the world can be as magical as ones heart desires, the only tool needed is belief itself."


Social Design



Graduation year





Nicole Marnati


In collaboration with EKWC