Graduation project
Soft Spot
Enrico Rapella
# “A curtain can demarcate a soft division in space around the body, similar to the area traced by the limbs of The Vitruvian Man.”
Curtains are soft divisions in space. They are alive, movable, soft, light, relaxing and, most of all, temporary. Dissected and analysed, curtains are composed of two elements: the horizontal rail and the vertical textile, unfolding by gravity.
Enrico Rapella explores the connection between curtains, their features and their effects when applied to furniture. Above a desk he made a translucent curtain follow its outline, thus extending the space of the furniture upwards. The volume and intimacy of this space mutate continuously in response to human activity at, on and around the furniture. As a result, the table can adapt to different situations and benefit from the soft divisions and sense of privacy created by the curtain.